The 1960s saw the beginnings of Edward Albee with his first play, The Zoo Story, receiving an Obie. Colleen Dewhurst, Samuel Beckett, and Robert Duvall were just a few who garnered the award, while an up and coming Dustin Hoffman received the Obie for his performance in The Exhaustion of Our Son's Love.
Best Actor
James Earl Jones
Clandestine on the Morning Line, The Apple, Moon on a Rainbow Shawl
Best Actress
Barbara Harris
Oh, Dad, Poor Dad, Mamma's Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feelin' So Sad
Best American Play
Frank D. Gilroy
Who'll Save the Plowboy?
Best Foreign Play
Samuel Beckett (Walter Kerr abstaining)
Happy Days
Best Musical
C. Jackson, James Hatch and Jerome Eskow
Fly Blackbird
Best Set
Norris Houghton
Who'll Save the Plowboy?
Distinguished Performances (Actors)
Clayton Corzatte
APA Repertory
Geoff Garland
The Hostage
Gerald O'Loughlin
Who'll Save the Plowboy?
Paul Roebling
This Side of Paradise
Distinguished Performances (Actresses)
Sudie Bond
Theatre of the Absurd
Vinnette Carroll
Moon on a Rainbow Shawl
Rosemary Harris
APA Repertory
Ruth White
Happy Days
Special Citations
Ellis Rabb
for conceiving and maintaining the Association of Producing Artists (APA) , The Hostage
The Hostage
for using the best possibilities of Off Broadway to convey the essence of Brendan Behan
Obie Committee
Edward Albee
Jerry Tallmer
Walter Kerr